54 research outputs found

    Ensiling Characteristics and Ruminal Degradation of Italian Ryegrass with or without Wilting and Added Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes

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    The previous experiment (Yu zhu et al.,1999) has shown that the efficacy of added enzymes varied greatly according to the DM content of the material crop. The silage DM did not alter the effects of enzymes on the in vitro digestion of NDF (Yu zhu et al.,1999, Yu zhu et al.,2000). The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of wilting and enzymes on fermentation quality, chemical composition and in situ digestion of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) silage

    Effects of Ultradry Storage on Fluidity of Plasma Membrane of Haloxylon persicum Seeds

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    Abstract: The DPH fluorescent probe (1, 6-diphenyi-1, 3, 5,-hexatriene) was used to study the effects of ultradry seed storage on the fluidity of plasma membrane. Results indicated that the micro-viscosity of plasma membrane of ultradried seeds had no significant changes compared with the Haloxylon persicum seeds which were stored under 4°C condition. However, there was a little adverse effect on the seeds with extreme dehydration. The results were consistent with higher vigor level of ultradried seed. It indicated that ultradry seed storage could maintain the physiological function of seed, protect the integrity of the membrane and improve the storability of seeds

    Fasudil in Combination With Bone Marrow Stromal Cells (BMSCs) Attenuates Alzheimer\u27s Disease-Related Changes Through the Regulation of the Peripheral Immune System.

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    Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease. Its mechanism is still not clear. Majority of research focused on the central nervous system (CNS) changes, while few studies emphasize on peripheral immune system modulation. Our study aimed to investigate the regulation of the peripheral immune system and its relationship to the severity of the disease after treatment in an AD model of APPswe/PSEN1dE9 transgenic (APP/PS1 Tg) mice. APP/PS1 Tg mice (8 months old) were treated with the ROCK-II inhibitor 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-homo-piperazine (Fasudil) (intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections, 25 mg/kg/day), bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs; caudal vein injections, 1 × 1

    Control system of spontaneous combustion in coal gangue dumps – a case study at Yuquan coal mine in China

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    Spontano zapaljenje na odlagalištima jalovine uglja dovodi do zagađenja okoliša i oštećenja ekosustava i ljudskog zdravlja. Voditelji ugljenokopa obično ne poduzimaju učinkovite mjere sprečavanja spontanog zapaljenja zbog nepravovremenog otkrivanja mjesta izbijanja spontanog zapaljenja. Zbog toga je u ovom radu dizajniran i konstruiran sustav kontrole spontanog zapaljenja na odlagalištima jalovine. Taj se sustav sastoji od sustava za otkrivanje područja spontanog zapaljenja, pokretnog sustava za prevenciju i gašenje spontanog zapaljenja primjenom tekućeg ugljičnog dioksida (LCD - Liquid Carbon Dioxide) i sustava za provjeru učinka spontanog zapaljenja u odlagalištu jalovine. Prvo je sustavom otkrivanja otkriveno područje spontanog zapaljenja na odlagalištu, Zatim je u zapaljeno područje uštrcan LCD pomoću opreme za uštrcavanje kako bi se temperatura u odlagalištu smanjila ispod točke zapaljenja ugljene jalovine i kako bi se kisik izbacio iz odlagališta. Konačno, sustavom za provjeru učinkovitosti ispitali su se učinci dvaju sustava. Spontano zapaljenje na odlagalištima jalovine provjereno je na analizi slučaja u Yuquan rudniku. Rezultati pokazuju da su koncentracije plinova CO i H2S na odlagalištu jalovine ugljenokopa Yuquan ispod 24 i 6,6 ppm, a unutarnja temperature je ispod 70 °C. Cijena po kvadratnom metru sustava kontrole spontanog zapaljenja iznosi približno 8.Prematome,predlozˇenimsekontrolnimsustavommozˇeekonomicˇnoiucˇinkovitonadgledatispontanozapaljenjenaodlagalisˇtimajalovineuglja,stogaisprijecˇitizagađenjeokolisˇa.Spontaneouscombustionincoalganguedumpsleadstopollutionintheenvironmentanddamagesecosystemandhumanhealth.Mineoperatorsusuallyfailtotakeeffectivemeasuresagainstspontaneouscombustionbecauseoftheinaccuratedetectionofthelocationofspontaneouscombustionbursts.Toaddressthisissue,acontrolsystemofspontaneouscombustionincoalganguedumpswasdesignedandconstructedinthisstudy.Thecontrolsystemiscomposedofadetectionsystemofspontaneouscombustionareas,amobilepreventionandextinguishingsystemofspontaneouscombustionusingliquidcarbondioxide(LCD),andaneffectcheckingsystemofspontaneouscombustionincoalganguedump.First,thedetectionsystemwasusedtodetectthespontaneouscombustionareasinthecoalganguedumps.LCDwastheninjectedintothecombustionareaswithitspressureinjectionequipmenttolowerthetemperatureinthecoalganguedumpsbelowtheignitionpointofcoalgangueandtoforceoxygenoutofthedumps.Finally,theeffecttestingsystemwasusedtotesttheeffectsofthetwosystems.ThespontaneouscombustionincoalganguedumpswascontrolledthroughacasestudyatYuquancoalmine.ResultsshowthattheconcentrationsofindexgasesCOandH2SinthecoalganguedumpsofYuquancoalminearebelow24and6,6ppm,andtheinternaltemperatureisbelow70°C,Thecostpersquaremeterofthecontrolsystemofspontaneouscombustionisapproximately8. Prema tome, predloženim se kontrolnim sustavom može ekonomično i učinkovito nadgledati spontano zapaljenje na odlagalištima jalovine uglja, stoga i spriječiti zagađenje okoliša.Spontaneous combustion in coal gangue dumps leads to pollution in the environment and damages ecosystem and human health. Mine operators usually fail to take effective measures against spontaneous combustion because of the inaccurate detection of the location of spontaneous combustion bursts. To address this issue, a control system of spontaneous combustion in coal gangue dumps was designed and constructed in this study. The control system is composed of a detection system of spontaneous combustion areas, a mobile prevention and extinguishing system of spontaneous combustion using liquid carbon dioxide (LCD), and an effect-checking system of spontaneous combustion in coal gangue dump. First, the detection system was used to detect the spontaneous combustion areas in the coal gangue dumps. LCD was then injected into the combustion areas with its pressure injection equipment to lower the temperature in the coal gangue dumps below the ignition point of coal gangue and to force oxygen out of the dumps. Finally, the effect-testing system was used to test the effects of the two systems. The spontaneous combustion in coal gangue dumps was controlled through a case study at Yuquan coal mine. Results show that the concentrations of index gases CO and H2S in the coal gangue dumps of Yuquan coal mine are below 24 and 6,6 ppm, and the internal temperature is below 70 °C, The cost per square meter of the control system of spontaneous combustion is approximately 8. Therefore, the proposed control system can economically and effectively control spontaneous combustion in coal gangue dumps, thereby preventing pollution in the environment

    Fasudil in Combination With Bone Marrow Stromal Cells (BMSCs) Attenuates Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Changes Through the Regulation of the Peripheral Immune System

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease. Its mechanism is still not clear. Majority of research focused on the central nervous system (CNS) changes, while few studies emphasize on peripheral immune system modulation. Our study aimed to investigate the regulation of the peripheral immune system and its relationship to the severity of the disease after treatment in an AD model of APPswe/PSEN1dE9 transgenic (APP/PS1 Tg) mice. APP/PS1 Tg mice (8 months old) were treated with the ROCK-II inhibitor 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)- homo-piperazine (Fasudil) (intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections, 25 mg/kg/day), bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs; caudal vein injections, 1 × 106 BMSCs /time/mouse), Fasudil combined with BMSCs, or saline (i.p., control) for 2 months. Morris water maze (MWM) test was used to evaluate learning and memory. The mononuclear cells (MNCs) of spleens of APP/PS1 Tg mice were analyzed using flow cytometry for CD4+ T-cells, macrophages, and the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory molecules of the macrophages. Immunohistochemical staining was used to examine the expression of ROCK-II in the spleens of APP/PS1 Tg mice. The MWM test showed improved spatial learning ability in APP/PS1 Tg mice treated with Fasudil or BMSCs alone or in combination, compared to untreated APP/PS1 Tg mice. Fasudil combined with BMSCs intervention significantly promoted the proliferation of CD4+/CD25+ and CD4+/ IL-10 lymphocytes, induced the release of cytokine factors, and regulated the balance of the immune system to work functionally. It also shifted M1 (MHC-II, CD86) to M2 (IL-10, CD206) phenotype of macrophages of CD11b and significantly enhanced the anti-inflammatory and phagocytic abilities (CD16/32) of macrophages of CD11b. Immunohistochemical staining showed significantly decreased expression of ROCK-II in mice treated with combination of Fasudil with BMSCs as compared to saline control. Fasudil in combination of BMSCs improved cognition of APP/PS1 Tg mice through the regulation of the peripheral immune system, including reduction of ROCK-II expression and increased proportion of anti-inflammatory M2 mononuclear phenotype and phagocytic macrophages in the spleen of the peripheral immune system. The latter was achieved through the communication between brain and spleen to improve the immunoregulation of CNS and AD disease conditions

    Applications of nanogenerators for biomedical engineering and healthcare systems

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    The dream of human beings for long living has stimulated the rapid development of biomedical and healthcare equipment. However, conventional biomedical and healthcare devices have shortcomings such as short service life, large equipment size, and high potential safety hazards. Indeed, the power supply for conventional implantable device remains predominantly batteries. The emerging nanogenerators, which harvest micro/nanomechanical energy and thermal energy from human beings and convert into electrical energy, provide an ideal solution for self-powering of biomedical devices. The combination of nanogenerators and biomedicine has been accelerating the development of self-powered biomedical equipment. This article first introduces the operating principle of nanogenerators and then reviews the progress of nanogenerators in biomedical applications, including power supply, smart sensing, and effective treatment. Besides, the microbial disinfection and biodegradation performances of nanogenerators have been updated. Next, the protection devices have been discussed such as face mask with air filtering function together with real-time monitoring of human health from the respiration and heat emission. Besides, the nanogenerator devices have been categorized by the types of mechanical energy from human beings, such as the body movement, tissue and organ activities, energy from chemical reactions, and gravitational potential energy. Eventually, the challenges and future opportunities in the applications of nanogenerators are delivered in the conclusive remarks.Web of Science4

    Fasudil in Combination With Bone Marrow Stromal Cells (BMSCs) Attenuates Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Changes Through the Regulation of the Peripheral Immune System

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease. Its mechanism is still not clear. Majority of research focused on the central nervous system (CNS) changes, while few studies emphasize on peripheral immune system modulation. Our study aimed to investigate the regulation of the peripheral immune system and its relationship to the severity of the disease after treatment in an AD model of APPswe/PSEN1dE9 transgenic (APP/PS1 Tg) mice. APP/PS1 Tg mice (8 months old) were treated with the ROCK-II inhibitor 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-homo-piperazine (Fasudil) (intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections, 25 mg/kg/day), bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs; caudal vein injections, 1 × 106 BMSCs /time/mouse), Fasudil combined with BMSCs, or saline (i.p., control) for 2 months. Morris water maze (MWM) test was used to evaluate learning and memory. The mononuclear cells (MNCs) of spleens of APP/PS1 Tg mice were analyzed using flow cytometry for CD4+ T-cells, macrophages, and the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory molecules of the macrophages. Immunohistochemical staining was used to examine the expression of ROCK-II in the spleens of APP/PS1 Tg mice. The MWM test showed improved spatial learning ability in APP/PS1 Tg mice treated with Fasudil or BMSCs alone or in combination, compared to untreated APP/PS1 Tg mice. Fasudil combined with BMSCs intervention significantly promoted the proliferation of CD4+/CD25+ and CD4+/ IL-10 lymphocytes, induced the release of cytokine factors, and regulated the balance of the immune system to work functionally. It also shifted M1 (MHC-II, CD86) to M2 (IL-10, CD206) phenotype of macrophages of CD11b and significantly enhanced the anti-inflammatory and phagocytic abilities (CD16/32) of macrophages of CD11b. Immunohistochemical staining showed significantly decreased expression of ROCK-II in mice treated with combination of Fasudil with BMSCs as compared to saline control. Fasudil in combination of BMSCs improved cognition of APP/PS1 Tg mice through the regulation of the peripheral immune system, including reduction of ROCK-II expression and increased proportion of anti-inflammatory M2 mononuclear phenotype and phagocytic macrophages in the spleen of the peripheral immune system. The latter was achieved through the communication between brain and spleen to improve the immunoregulation of CNS and AD disease conditions

    Influence of Mineral Fertilizer and Manure Application on the Yield and Quality of Maize in Relation to Intercropping in the Southeast Republic of Kazakhstan

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) is a valuable forage crop. It is also an essential and promising crop for the Republic of Kazakhstan, cultivated in the southern zone. Some new maize hybrids have been introduced, which have been beneficial for high yields with less fertilizer input. This study aims to introduce the new maize hybrid, Arman 689, for the judicial use of fertilizer and the high yield. This study was carried out in 2015 in the southeast region of Kazakhstan. There are five treatments with various mineral fertilizer and poultry manure doses: 1. control (T0), 2. P60 K100 (T1), 3. N100P60K100 (T2). 4. N100P60K100 + 40 tons of manure/ha (T3), and 5. N100P60K100 + 60 ton of manure/ha (T4). The fertilizers used were ammonium nitrate (N—34.6%), amorphous (N—11.0%, P2O5—46.0%), and potassium chloride KCl (K2O—56%). The results showed that the grain yield ranges from 5.51 t/ha (T0) to 8.49 (T4) t/ha. The protein contents in the maize grain varied from 9%(T0)–11.3%(T4). The grain nitrogen content accounted for 54.2 to 52.0%. The nutrient uptake results by different treatments indicated that nitrogen contributed to 41.5% of the total yield increase. Using manure in combination with mineral fertilizers reduced the payback of the applied resources, as the payback of T2–T4 was 8.8–9.1 kg of grain. With the application of recommended mineral fertilizer (NPK), the protein yield was 0.83 t/ha, 0.33, and 1.22 t/ha higher than T0 and T1 treatments, respectively. There was no significant yield difference under T3 and T4 treatments (p > 0.05). Overall, the treatment, NPK + 40 tons of manure, was proved the ultimate for the Arman hybrid in providing the optimum quantity and quality of maize, as well as reducing the payback cost (8.8–9.1 kg of grain). It is suggested to apply NPK-recommended doses along with manure in maize (Arman hybrid)-based intercropping systems to utilize the resources efficiently